Remember: God ALWAYS keeps His PROMISES!

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Seven Months

It's been a few months since my last post.  As most of you know, my time has been consumed with caring for my mom.  I am truly humbled that God trusted me with this assignment.  And although there was more to the assignment than I originally thought, I thank God for having the faith in me to do what He sent me home to do.  I must admit, it's been a challenge, but with God's strength and help, I will continue!

Update on my mom....
Tonight I sit in the hospital room with my mother.  As of today, she's been in the hospital for two weeks.  The first week and a half my mom was in ICU and was very sick. After having a colonoscopy, we were told by one doctor that it looked very bad and she possibly had tumors in her colon.  He told us we needed to call her clergy and make sure she had her last will and testament signed.  Of course, this report was very upsetting for my family. We were not sure exactly what was happening in my mom's body.  Although I trusted that God was in control, I wasn't sure what His plans were.  While I trust God as Healer, I also know that His ways and thoughts are not always ours. And I trust His will to be done in my mom's health situation.  Later, a second colonoscopy by her usual GI doctor, including a biopsy, confirmed that there are
NO tumors in her colon. Instead she had inflammation from an infection. While the infection is still serious, it is treatable.Today my mom is doing much better and looking forward to going home soon! Praise God!!! Thanks to those of you who were praying for my mom's health! I truly believe in the power of prayer and know God is able! She will continue to live and declare the works of the Lord! (Psalm 117:17)
Birthday with Mom!!! 

Update on me...
Today marks exactly 7 months since I returned to Louisiana (Nov. 22). Much has transpired over these seven months, and through it all God has remained faithful.  With seven being God's number of perfection. I'm excited about the works He is perfecting in me and looking forward to what's ahead! He never ceases to amaze me with His mighty acts! I'm so glad that I am His! This past week, I celebrated my 44th birthday (June 19th)! Another year of trusting and depending on God to keep His promises to me! And as always, He has! It's amazing how He loves me! Recently, I was given some shoes by a young lady who was moving out of state.  I met her while taking my mom to dialysis.  She shared with me how she just felt like she needed to step out by faith and move away from her hometown.  She had some really nice shoes that she wanted to give away because she couldn't take all of them with her.  The shoes not only were my size, but my style also! WOW God!!! So she blessed me with them (some of them almost brand new). Immediately, I realized God was using this lady to restore the many pairs of shoes I had given away before I moved to Phoenix! Isn't God awesome!!!! This is just one, of many examples, of the awesome things He continues to do to reward my diligence in seeking and obeying Him! As I conclude these seven months of my assignment here in Louisiana, God is also leading me into living authentically and embracing the "power of 40" (referring to those persons of  great faith that God used for great purposes...ex. Moses, Jesus, Noah). I don't know what it is, but He is definitely up to something! I am His!

Friday, February 14, 2014

The love of my life!

It's Valentine's Day in America! On this day many people are celebrating their love with the love of their life! Chocolate candy, roses, sweet cards, jewelry, etc. are being given to express love. But for me, I haven't received any of those things on today.  Instead, my day was spent with a very special person that I love dearly.  We spent the morning getting her PET/CT scans, had lunch with my sister, had a visit from her physical therapist, and now we are relaxing on the couch! Well, I'm relaxing, while she's sleeping! What a wonderful day! You may have figured it out by now, my special valentine this year is my MOM! So thankful that God sent me to be here with her! Thanks for your prayers! They are availing much!

And then there is the love of my life! No one else can love me like He does! No one else can move me love He does! His love is irreplaceable and I can't get enough of it! He is my God, my Lord, my Savior, my Provider, my Protector, my Everything! I'm in awe of the way He loves me and how He continues to show His love toward me. On this day sixteen years ago, I celebrated my new found intimate relationship and love for Christ! I had spent the previous six months in what I called my "reconstruction period".  During this time I was intentional in developing a more intimate relationship with Christ.  It was during this time that I really began to understand the love Him had for me.  It was during that time that I really fell in love with Him.  It was during that time that I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with Him! It was during that time that I declared that I would serve Him the rest of my life! And today, I'm glad I made that decision.  My life has not been the same since! Although I haven't always been obedient and faithful to Him, He has remained faithful to me over the years.  Even when I messed up or fell short, He still loved me and called me His! And for the rest of my life, I will declare that My beloved is mine and I AM HIS!!!! (Song of Solomon 2:16a)

This song says it all!!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

My Journey to Turkey....and beyond

My recent mission trip to Turkey was definitely another life changing event of my journey.  It was a great experience and truly a blessing to meet and serve the women from the Middle East who were in attendance. Because of them, I was blessed and enlightened to life in a culture where being a Christian is not always accepted and sometimes very dangerous. Yet, they still choose to stand for righteousness and share the gospel of Jesus Christ! I couldn’t help but reflect on my life as a follower of Christ and the freedom I have to share the gospel.  With this freedom, I have no excuse to take every opportunity to share. But do I?

While I knew my assignment before going to Turkey, it wasn't until after arriving in Turkey that God revealed to me the fulfilling of the great commission through this mission trip. He reminded me that Jesus commissioned us in Matthew 28:19-20 to “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations,… Teaching them to observe all things…”. This mission trip was an opportunity for me, and the rest of the team, to do just this. The women came from different countries/nations in the Middle East (Jordan, Iraq, Sweden, Egypt, and Israel). I’m in awe of the opportunity God gave me to ‘teach nations’ on one single mission trip. It was a blessing to share with the women “my story” and on the topic of prayer.  Sharing my story was an opportunity to share my faith in God and how I’ve learned to trust Him more along my journey (especially in the past two years).  I know that God's purpose for me includes sharing my faith with others, and I look forward to more opportunities that God will give me to share.

In my previous post, Forsaken All for Christ's name sake, I shared my reality of having to leave my family in Louisiana (after my recent visit in October) to continue on with this journey to Turkey, in obedience to God's call.  While it wasn't hard for me to obey Christ, it was not easy for me to leave my family behind.  However, I knew it was what God required of me. I know it was all for a greater purpose!

….and beyond

Prior to Turkey, some asked if I knew what was next for me.  I honestly did not know what God’s plans were after Turkey, but expected God to let me know in His timing (as He always does).  And like always, He let me know just when He needed me to know.  It was on the flight back to the U.S. that God woke me up from my sleep to tell me (in His word) my next assignment. Through His word, He told me to journey south.   Immediately I knew He was telling me to go to Louisiana.  After returning to Phoenix, I began inquiring of God when I was to go and how long I was to stay. And as always, He let me know, as well as provided the way for me to go. As some of you know, we recently found out my mom has stage 4 lung cancer with several tumors on the brain. A week after returning from Turkey, my mom was hospitalized due to some complications from the tumors that caused her to have some physical challenges. I’m back in Louisiana for now helping my family with my mom. Now I understand God’s purpose of having me not teach when I first went to Phoenix, and instead serve/work as a caregiver.  He was preparing me for this! At this time, I’m not sure how long I will be here.  My instructions from God was to “go”. I trust God’s plans and will continue to seek His purpose!  Yesterday I attended Sunday School at my childhood church and the main thought for the lesson was “God reveals to us what we need to know when we need to know it!” Confirmation! So, I will be here until God lets me know. I AM HIS!

Sharing my story and teaching on prayer with the Middle East ladies
Our  "Colors of our Lives" prayer chain

My roommate, Mira, from Sweden

My sister Lilian (from Egypt)

My mentees Hanaa (from Egypt) and Fardose (from Jordan)
Our last night with our Middle East sisters

The U.S. Team saying goodbye to Turkey

Enjoyed Thanksgiving with the family!

My mom & sisters

Me & my mommy

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Forsaking All for Christ's name sake

Recently, when God told me to go home to see my mom, I wasn't sure how I would be able to.  But God knew and He provided a way for me to go.  I'm in awe of how He continues to show me that I can trust Him to provide ALL my needs! While I don't doubt Him, it's always amazing to me how He does it! I'm so thankful to Him and to those that He used in this situation! Although I thought I was going for my mom, I realize that it was for me too. Seeing the smile on my mom's face was all I needed to continue my journey.

It wasn't until I actually landed in Phoenix last Thursday (after my visit home to be with my mom who we just learned has tumors/cancer on her brain) that the thought of "forsaking all" really hit me.  The tears began to flow as I thought of having to leave behind my mom and family to continue my commitment to what God has called me to do.  Although I trust that God is in control of my mom's situation, it was hard for me to leave her and my family behind to deal with things without me being there. God reminded me of what Jesus said in Matthew 19:29, "And everyone that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children or lands, for my name's sake, shall receive an hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life."  While leaving behind my mom and family made this verse a reality to me, I am expecting "an hundredfold" in return in all things!  This morning I read in Jeremiah 33:6-"Behold, I will bring it health and healing; I will heal them and reveal to them the abundance of peace and truth." So this is the word I am standing on today! I'm believing God to bring health and healing to my mother's body and to reveal the abundance of peace and truth!

As I prepare to leave for Turkey on Thursday, I'm also reminded of what Jesus says in Luke 14:33, "So likewise, whosoever he be of you that forsaketh not all, that he hath, he cannot be my disciple." As I consider the cost of living a surrendered life to Christ, I'm humbled that God would choose me to be His disciple.  I AM HIS!

Me & My Mom (after I surprised her)


Niece and Nephews

Mom & Dad (before saying goodbye)

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Seasons change, but God's plans does not

Daniel 2:21 says "He changes times and seasons...".  While God causes seasons to change, He does not change. From the beginning, He knew the plans He had for me, and He continues to assure me that His plans have not changed! 

It has been said that this summer was the "hottest summer ever" in Phoenix! Praise God for the change of seasons! September 22nd was the official "first day of autumn", and it actually felt like it in Phoenix! A nice relief from the hot summer temperatures. This date also marked a significant change of season in my journey.
After 1 ½  years,Saturday, September 22nd, was the end of my season for working nights as a caregiver.  As I shared in an earlier post, God has allowed me to enter back into the teaching profession (part-time) serving as a substitute teacher and in-home tutor.  While I will miss serving the residents, I’m excited about being able to return to the classroom and serve students of various ages. I love my life of serving God and others!

This past weekend was my first weekend not having to work! I was so excited and had made plans for myself. And then, in His own way, God changed my plans and gave me His! WOW! As always, I’m amazed at His timing and His ways! On Saturday, instead of doing what I had planned to do, God had me doing the exact same thing He had me doing on September 28th six years ago! I remember this date because, it was a date that changed my life! A date that began a transition in my life that I didn’t really understand then, but God had a greater purpose for allowing it.  And on September 28, 2013, God reminded me of exactly why He allowed it! It was all a part of orchestrating my steps to my destiny. He had me doing the exact same thing on this date to again remind me that His plans for me have not changed! I am His forever!!!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

My God is AWESOME!!!

When God told me to put my home on the market before moving to Phoenix, I knew it was for a greater purpose.  Little did I know that it would stay on the market for 1 year, 7 months and 21 days! However, I did not doubt what God had told me to do.  Neither did I worry about it.  At times, I totally forgot about it being on the market. On last Friday (Sept. 13th), it finally went to closing! Praise God! And after all that time of not paying my mortgage (since Dec. 2011), God didn’t allow it to go into foreclosure and the bank paid me a small incentive for selling my home! All for His glory! MY GOD IS AWWWWWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also, after being out of the elementary school setting for almost two years, God now has allowed me to go back as a substitute teacher. Although I was offered a full-time job, I know God still needs me to be available to do His will and only wants me to substitute. Also, I’m serving as a private tutor.  I’m just thankful that He is allowing me to do both, serve Him and to teach! And He is showing His favor in both! Below are two drawings given to me by second graders in the first class I served as a substitute. For me, it was just a reminder of His promises and how much God loves me! So glad I AM HIS

 A rainbow to remind me of God's promises!!!!
 A message to remind me of God's love!!!!

Monday, September 9, 2013

God's Plans, My Path

Recently, God allowed me to go back to Dallas, Texas for a visit.  Most of you know that I lived there from 1994-2000. It was during my stay there that I really began to seek God for His will for my life.  During those years, God placed some wonderful people in my life who became family to me! These people also became a part of my journey in a very special way. It was during this time that I committed to living my life for Christ. And while I didn’t know then how my life would unfold, I knew God had a special purpose and plan for me.  I was so happy to see my sisters and brothers in Christ with their families. And while it was great seeing them, I must admit, thirteen years ago when I moved from Dallas back to Louisiana, I thought by now I would be married with children too.  I had no idea the journey life would take me on. During my visit, God revealed so much to me about my path. He started by sending me to Megafest to receive a word at Woman Thou Art Loosed. He reminded me that my path and pain is all a part of my purpose. He also reminded me that even though my life may not look like what I thought it would look like, His plans for me have not changed.  God still has a great purpose for my life. I’m in transition and expecting!!!

This fall, God's plans will be taking me to Turkey.  I will be serving with a team of woman from the Global Training Institute for Women, where I currently serve as a volunteer intern.  Our mission is to equip women from the Middle East to be leaders in ministry. Once again, I’m humbled and in awe of how God orchestrates my steps! I never knew when I committed my life to serving Him where life would take me. Who knew---Louisiana-Dallas-Cambodia-Phoenix-Turkey! Only God knows the plans He has for me! I AM HIS!

Monday, August 12, 2013

Moving Forward!

Recently, I heard…“Faith will make you move forward. Trust will keep you going!” By faith, I am moving forward in the things God tells me to do and trusting God every step of the way.  And I’m excited about what’s ahead as I continue to surrender my life to Christ and allow Him to direct my path.  As I stated in my last post, God has me on a “need to know basis” as it relates to “what’s next”.  I’m learning more and more how to trust Him with my future! I admit that at times this is not an easy task for me. Sometimes I wish I knew more about what's ahead, but God continues to assure me that when I trust in Him with all my heart, not lean to my own understanding, and acknowledge Him in all my ways, He will direct my path! (Proverbs 3:5-6) So I’m moving forward and trusting God!

What’s next…

In my last post I shared that God has me serving as a volunteer intern at Global Training Institute for Women in Phoenix. I’m enjoying serving and excited about what God is doing in the ministry. The vision and purpose of this ministry is to equip women for serving in ministry. Currently, GTIW has a team that travels to Turkey twice a year to train women in the Middle East. I’m in awe once again of how God orchestrated my steps to lead me to this ministry.  While God knew His plans all along, I now know it was all a part of His plan in bringing me to Phoenix. And now I also know that God's plan includes me being a part of the team that will be traveling to Turkey this November.  I’m humbled and excited to be a part of what God is doing through GTIW. I look forward to how He will use me in Turkey and how once again my life will be changed forever! I AM HIS!  


Friday, July 5, 2013

By faith!

During my meditation time this morning I was reminded once again of a word God spoke to me back in 2008. It was included in this quote from Charles Stanley. “Yet, even when God is changing our understanding, we can always remember that Jesus not only saves us, He is the ultimate reminder that God always keeps His promises!”  God always keeps His promises is a message that God has repeated to me over and over again.  Each time I hear it, I’m encouraged.  But I must admit, there are times when I began to think, “How?” and “When?” for some of the promises He has made to me.  Nevertheless, I continue to trust Him to do ALL that He has promised. 

Once again, God is changing my understanding about my journey and His promises! The past year and a half has really been a season of change as it relates to my understanding of who He is in my life and the plans that He has for me.  I really know Him now in ways I thought I knew Him before.  For example, I knew before He was my Provider! But now I can say that I’ve truly experienced Him as my Provider and know without a doubt that He is my Provider.  My understanding of Matthew 6-“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness;; and all these things shall be added unto you.” and Philippians 4:13-“But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” has forever been changed.

Also, my understanding of obedience to God has changed.  I now have a different understanding of how  my obedience to God is required of me, even when I don’t understand or it doesn’t make sense to me.  Recently, I heard a message from my Pastor.  He said, “It doesn’t make sense to make faith.”  Lately, lots of things God requires of me doesn’t always seem to make sense, but I know it makes faith! By faith is truly how I’m living these days. And will continue for the rest of my life!

What’s next for me….

Upon graduating from seminary, I did not know exactly what was next for me. I didn’t know if I would remain in Phoenix, return to Louisiana, or go somewhere else.  When asked, I said I was waiting for God to reveal it to me.  I trusted that He would and knew when He did I would have to be obedient to whatever He said to do.  It wasn't until a few weeks after graduation that He let me know what was next.  Once again, I’m in awe of how He orchestrates my path.  At this time, God has me serving as a volunteer intern for a ministry based in Phoenix (Global Training Institute for Women).  The vision for GTIW is to “help Christian women leaders discover their purpose and impact their world”. Currently they have a team that travels to Turkey to train women from the Middle East (Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Egypt, and Sudan).  This fall, they will also be launching a U.S. Ministry team to do a similar training here in the U.S.  I’m so humbled to be a part of what God is doing in this ministry and looking forward to what He has next for me!  But for now, I'll be here in Phoenix! He has me on a “need to know basis”.  He only tells me what He needs me to know right now.  So I will continue to be obedient in what He tells me to do,seek Him for what He has next, and live BY FAITH. I am His!

No Place Like Home 2!

Recently, I was blessed to be able to go home to spend some time with my Louisiana family and friends! I repeat---THERE IS NO PLACE LIKE HOME! Here are a few pics from my visit! SHOUT OUT TO MY LOUISIANA FAMILY & FRIENDS: I LOVE YA'LL! Unfortunately, I wasn't able to see all of you, but the love is still there!
Love my Louisiana Love!

My daddy on the grill for the cook out!

My goddaughter, Delaney! God's child! & My earth angel in the background!

My nephews, Triston and Brycen

My Aunt Ollie (Took care of my diet while at home! LOL)

My younger sister and my mother
My "Ms. Anita"

My partners in Christ, Gary and Jackie

My childhood besties, Gwen and Madonna

Hanging out with the girls!

My sister in Christ, Latasha! 

My crazy nieces, Starr and Ressie

Me and my Mommy

My older sister, Tina

Me and My BeBe! Together again!

My Miami Heat Haters! Still love'em though! :-)

Monday, May 13, 2013

Graduation Celebrations!

Just wanted to share some pictures from my celebrations over the weekend! I give God the glory for what He has done.  It was truly a blessing to celebrate with family and friends. 
Part 1 of Celebrations:
Graduation Day!
 Me with my dad & mom!

 Me and my Aunt Gay (from Dallas)!

Phoenix Seminary Class of 2013

Some of my seminary friends!

My seminary mentor, Ms. Kathy

My landlady, Barbara

 Part 2 of Celebrations: 
Dinner with family and friends at my favorite soul food spot! (Mrs. Whites's)

Part 3 of Celebrations: 
Free to Laugh Comedy Show