Remember: God ALWAYS keeps His PROMISES!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Starting Seminary

This past week (January 23-27, 2012) was my first week of classes at Phoenix Seminary! I was like a child on the first day of school! I woke up about two hours before my alarm went off! My bookpack was packed and ready with my textbooks and my bibleJ! I also took my laptop with me since technology is how school is done these days. I was excited about meeting my teachers, classmates, and getting started with my studies!

It was an exciting and interesting first week.  After receiving the syllabus for each class and attending each class for the first time, reality set it.  Studying God’s Word is not to be taken lightly. It’s definitely going to be a lot of work, but I’m ready for it. I'm hungry! :-)  I can see now why God sent me away from the familiar and distractions.  I need to be focused!  I’m thankful for the opportunity to study His word in depth in order to be equipped for the plans He has for me!

I’ve mapped out my weekly reading and study plan so that I can stay on top of things.  The next year and a half will be intense, but it’s all to the glory of God! Please keep me in your prayers. And if I don’t respond to emails or text messages right away, please be patient with me! I am His!

Here's me on my first day at Phoenix Seminary!

Life in the Valley

My life “in the valley” is giving me a new perspective on some things. “The Valley” is what the Phoenix metro area is called.  Of course, “the valley” is a place between the mountains. I guess this means that I’m between mountainsJ! Literally and spiritually!

Life in the valley is quite different for me. There are some things I was use to doing or having that I now am getting use to doing without. First, the studio where I now live comes with a kitchenette, but no stove.  For those of you who know me really well, this may not seem like a big deal (since when I did have one it was hardly used anywayJ!) But now that I don’t have one, it’s almost like “you don’t miss something until it’s gone”! Although I had no plans to change my cooking habits when I came to Phoenix, I now have to make some adjustments to not having a stove.  I guess I will have to depend on a George Foreman and toaster oven when I get in one of my cooking moods! I wonder if I can bake chocolate chip cookies in the toaster oven??? LOL!

 I’m also without a washer and dryer. Something that I’ve been without before, but after being a homeowner for the past 11 years, I was use to having these at home to use at my leisure.  Now, it’s back to the laundry-mat. On my way there for the first time, I stopped at Walgreens to get some detergent.  Instead of my usual detergent, I purchased a cheaper one (taking into consideration that I had to have change for the washers and dryers). Just another minor adjustment I’ve had to make.

Another amenity I had gotten use to over the years was having my car washed at a “car wash” by someone else.  I know this is something that most people may do themselves anyway, but I had gotten use to having it done for me. Well, it’s something I plan to start doing more often now.  For the first time in years, I proudly pulled into a self car-wash and washed my car myself!  It’s cheaper and it still looked nice! I actually enjoyed doing it!

With  these adjustments, there is one thing I hoped the Lord would provide for me here in Phoenix and He did! A hairstylistJ! Thank God! I mentioned in an earlier post that I was going to a new stylist for the first time (after having to say goodbye to my stylist Romona @ Blessed Hands in SlidellJ) and hoped I would like the service. I did! It was what I hoped it would be and I’m thankful that God allowed me to keep this perk “in the valley”!

This picture is taken of a mountain seen at the end of the driveway where I live. Marvin Sapp, a gospel artist, has a  song that says “Even though I’m in the valley, victory comes through my adversity!”  I am His!

Friday, January 20, 2012

My Steps are Ordered

So, my first week in Phoenix has been filled with awe of how God orders my steps in every aspect of my life to go exactly where He wants me to be!

First, I visited the seminary on Monday (Jan. 16th). I was greeted at the front entrance by a GECKO! Ugghh!!! For those of you who know I am deathly afraid of lizards and geckos! I guess God really has a sense of humor! I met some of the people that I had communicated with via phone and email. It was great to put the faces with the voices.  I had a good visit and am looking forward to starting class next Monday!

Next, I went to bible study on Tuesday at the church God told me I would worship and serve Him when I relocated to Phoenix (El Elyon International Church).  It’s a small multicultural congregation.  The bible study lesson was about “love” from I Corinthians 13.  The message was a direct word to me from God! It was confirmation that this was where I was supposed to be! Praise God!!

On Wednesday I finally got to sit and talk with my new landlord (Barbara). What I thought was going to be my “temporary” residence turns out will be my permanent residence for now. Thank God for giving Barbara  the desire to build a guest room for those doing “Kingdom work”.  She told me that I could stay as long as I needed to! It’s a small space (like a mini-studio), but just enough room for me (and my clothes and shoes J) & an a VERY GOOD price! Praise God! I understand that I am here on assignment by God, so any sacrifice I have to make is for His glory! I know He will provide everything that I need! I know that this is the place that God intended for me to be at this time and I’m thankful!

Today is Friday and I’m going to my new hairstylist that I was recommended to by a young lady at church. It sounds like this might be my God sent hairstylist also! The name of her salon is “Anointed Hands! (My last hairstylist, Romona May, at Blessed Hands in Slidell, LA, was also God sent!) I will have to let you know how it goes!

I’m still looking for part-time employment.  I know God is going to provide that as well. Please keep me in your prayers! Love ya!

My Journey to Phoenix-(My Promise Land)

Saturday, January 14, 2012 was the beginning of my journey to my “promise land”.  Thank God for my nephew, Xavier, who helped get me here. It was quite an interesting drive. 

Day One’s Adventure: We were about 30 miles from crossing into Beaumont, Texas when my nephew realized that I hadn’t gotten an inspection sticker for my new car! I had just gotten my license plate in a few days before, and totally forgot about going to get my inspection sticker.  We were in the middle of nowhere and I needed that sticker before leaving the state of Louisiana! Thank God for my nephew’s “smart” phone and the GPS, we were able to locate a place that was still open (at least they waited for us to get there!). Needless to say, God was definitely guiding us!

It took us all day on Saturday to drive across Texas.  At about 11:00 p.m. we checked into a hotel in Ozona, Texas.  This was our half-way point.  It was a long day, but our trip was only halfway over.  We still had another long day of driving ahead, so we showered and got some rest.

Day Two’s Adventure: After a good night’s rest, we got up, got dressed, and had breakfast at the hotel.  They had bacon!!! I was so glad to smell bacon when I got off the elevator! I thought it would just be a continental breakfast, but it was a full breakfast: eggs, bacon, biscuits with gravy, toast, fruit, muffins, yogurt, cereal, etc.! We got full and then it was time to hit the road.

I remember thinking the night before that we needed to get gas before getting on the road Sunday morning.  Well,…..let’s just say, I was a little too excited about breakfast and forgot about getting gas! LOL!  So after driving about 45 minutes to an hour, my nephew (thank God) looked over and realized the needle was almost on “E”! My car said “15 miles to empty”! Again, we were in the middle of what seemed to be nowhere!  There was just flat uninhabited land and nothing in sight for miles and miles! I was like “OMG!”  Once again, my nephew used the GPS and his “smart” phone to find how far the next exit and nearest town was.  It was “13 miles” away! I was praying that they had a gas station there.  After driving for what seemed like an eternity, we got to a small town named “Iraan”.  Thank God they had a gas station!!!! Once again, my nephew saved the day! God knew I needed help on this journey! Thank God he sent Xavier!!

We finally made it into Phoenix about 8p.m. on Sunday night, January 15, 2012! My text message sent to family and friends read: “Just crossed over into my promise land-Phoenix! It took me 41 yrs. (one more than Israel’s 40:-) but I’m here now! In His timing! Expecting His promises 4 me!

Entering Phoenix!

My nephew, Xavier, and I 
(at the Phoenix airport before he boarded the plane back to Louisiana)!
So thankful God sent him to help me make my journey to Phoenix!