Remember: God ALWAYS keeps His PROMISES!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Having Faith in God!

My FAITH is in GOD!

In my last blog entry, I shared that God had provided employment for me as a Certified Caregiver.  I also shared that this was an opportunity for me to serve God through serving others.  I am truly humbled at this opportunity!  Recently, God has shown me that  HAVING FAITH IN HIM IS ALL I NEED!

On last Saturday (March 17th), I received my first paycheck as a caregiver.   Of course it was much smaller than my paychecks as a teacher, but I was thankful to God for provision.  Hallelujah! Even though it was a small amount, I figured I could use it to pay for something. On Sunday (March 18th), I went to church and as always, I expected to receive a direct word from God! Of course, God did exactly what I expected. Pastor Mason began to teach one message but, in obedience to the Holy Spirit, was led to teach on “Having Faith in God” (Mark 11:22).  It was a powerful word from God! He shared about how our power is in our words! At the end of his message, he told us to begin to speak what we have faith in God to do for us.

At offering time, when I pulled out my checkbook to write out the check for my tithes from my paycheck, God spoke clearly to me.  He told me that He didn’t want me to just tithe on this check, but He wanted me to have faith in Him and give Him the whole check as a first fruit offering! In obedience and by faith, I wrote out the check for the amount of my paycheck (I couldn’t remember the exact cents amount so, I rounded up to the nearest dollar amount) and I gave my offering cheerfully to the Lord!  After service I did as Pastor Mason told us to do and began to speak what I have faith in God to do for me.  I shared with one person that I expected God to bless the seed I had sown during the offering time.  I didn’t tell her what God had me to do; just what I expected God to do.

The next morning, I received a text message from someone (they know who they are) asking me if I could cash a check.  I told them “yes”, and they asked for my address.  I didn’t ask them any questions. I just texted them my address.  I knew God was up to something!  I knew He was going to honor my obedience in giving Him that  first paycheck in Faith!  Well, the following Wednesday, after returning home from my evening classes, I had an envelope on my door.  Inside was the check from the person who had texted me earlier in the week.  The check was almost double the amount of my paycheck that I had given for my tithe/offering to God!  HALLELUJAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOD IS MY PROVIDER!!!!!!!!!!!  My faith is not in my job to provide my needs, my faith is in God to provide ALL my needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:19)!!!!!!!  I MUST HAVE FAITH IN GOD! I AM HIS!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

My Provider has provided!

Jehovah Jireh, my Provider, has provided me with employment! I knew He would! All I had to do was seek Him! (Matthew 6:32-But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.)

When I relocated to Phoenix in January, I expected God to provide me with employment for living expenses that would work around my school schedule and not take away from my studies.  I began seeking a job as a caregiver and  I found out that in order to apply for a caregiver job,  I  needed to become a “certified” Caregiver. After some searching, I found information for a Caregiver course that was suitable for my school schedule. I initially thought it would be “just a job”. However, God’s thoughts are not my thoughts!  While taking the course, God began to show me some things. He revealed to me that me becoming a caregiver is not going to be “just a job”. He showed me that being a caregiver is really a “commitment and call” and this would be another opportunity for me to serve Him by serving and sharing the love of Christ with others (in this case, the elderly)! Once again, God’s way of doing things just blows my mind!

I completed the course for my Caregivers certification on Wednesday, February 22nd.  By the next Wednesday, I already had interviews with three different home-care agencies and was offered a caregiver position by all of them! God is soooo AWESOME!! (Philippians 4:19-But my God shall supply all MY need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus!) I accepted a position with two of them, in the hopes of getting steady hours at one or the other.  At this time, I’m “on-call” for assignments. That means they will call me whenever there is a need for a caregiver at my available times. Whether it’s one of these agencies or somewhere else, I know God will provide me a position with the exact days and hours that I want to work.  I know my prayer warriors will be in agreement with me! I just have to be faithful with the positions I’ve been given at this time. I’ve already received my first assignment! I’m always excited about the opportunity to serve God through serving others! I am His!

Below are pictures of my Caregiver Certifications!