Remember: God ALWAYS keeps His PROMISES!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

My Life is not my own!

I celebrated another year of life on Tuesday (June 19th)!  This year was quite different.  I wasn't able to spend it with friends and family like in the past.  No one in Phoenix even knew it was my birthday (except for the seminary staff who sent me a card), and I didn't feel the need to remind or let anyone know.  It wasn't about me this year! I know my life is not my own! I went to the mall for the first time since being in Phoenix.  But I wasn't there to shop.  God had me there for His purpose and a divine appointment. To God be the glory! I know it was for Him, because I wasn't even tempted to buy anything, including things on the clearance racks! LOL! Hallelujah!  I did what God sent me there to do! Afterwards I had a staff meeting at work, I had my babyback ribs at Chili's, & went to bible study!  My life is SIMPLY good! It was definitely my best birthday ever!  I AM HIS!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Embracing life's realities!

Recently, I've been faced with the challenge of embracing my life's realities.  While there are some experiences in my life's journey that I would choose not to experience, I know that I must embrace them in order to grow and move forward on this journey.  I'm beginning to understand how accepting the truths of my life is what makes me free! Sometimes I try to escape these truths with my spiritual ambitions.  However, I'm learning that in order to make my life fully real and truly mine I need to embrace these truths.  It's the truth that sets us free! I vow to begin embracing these truths!

Most recently, I've been challenged with embracing the truths and reality of my life in Phoenix. I know it's part of God's plan for me, but I must admit that it is a great challenge. While I choose not to share all my challenges in my blogs, they are there and they are REAL!  But I know they are just a temporary part of this journey. I recently read, "In order to fully find my life, I must first lose it."-Matthew 16:24-25. I AM HIS!