Remember: God ALWAYS keeps His PROMISES!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Celebrating one year in Phoenix!

 As most of you know, I love to celebrate life! So of course I had to celebrate my one year anniversary in Phoenix with a few friends! Here's a few pics!

At Chili's with some of my Phoenix family & friends!

Above: Me & some of my church family (Ruben, Jennifer, & Yvette)!

Above: Me & a couple of my seminary friends (Sarah & Chelsea)!

Above: Me & my landlord (Barbara)!

Good peeps! Good times! Cheers!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

A Year in the Desert!

Today makes exactly one year that I relocated to Phoenix (in obedience to God).  This year has truly been life changing for me! Last year at this time, I referred to Phoenix as my "Promise Land".  And I must say, God has truly revealed more of His promises to me here.  I was reminded on Sunday (in the message from my pastor) that "I'm right where I need to be to get my answer from God!" Although, my main purpose for coming here was to study at Phoenix Seminary, God had so much more in store! Some of my greatest lessons learned have not been in the classroom, but in my personal experiences with God during this past year. I've learned how to totally trust and depend on God. Over and over He has provided my needs--someway, somehow! I KNOW He is my Provider!  I've learned to listen and hear His voice more clearly. It's amazing to me how much more clear His voice has become to me.  I KNOW His voice and I look forward to hearing it daily! I've also learned how very  important my obedience is to God! I KNOW I have to obey Him even when it appears to be very unreasonable and even when it hurts or causes me pain.  And I admit, this journey has been painful at times! But I won't get weary because  I KNOW my harvest is coming! (Galatians 6:9)  As I continue my pursuit of seeking God for His purpose and plans for me, I'm committed to staying focused and being diligent in what God has for me to do.  I'm excited about my future and the "expected end" God has for me.

Next week I will begin my final semester at Phoenix Seminary (I will graduate on May 10th!). Over these next few months, I'm in great expectation of God revealing His ultimate purpose and plans for my future! I trust Him for my journey and KNOW that He has great plans for me! I proclaim 2013 as my year of PROMISE! I AM HIS!