Remember: God ALWAYS keeps His PROMISES!

Friday, July 5, 2013

By faith!

During my meditation time this morning I was reminded once again of a word God spoke to me back in 2008. It was included in this quote from Charles Stanley. “Yet, even when God is changing our understanding, we can always remember that Jesus not only saves us, He is the ultimate reminder that God always keeps His promises!”  God always keeps His promises is a message that God has repeated to me over and over again.  Each time I hear it, I’m encouraged.  But I must admit, there are times when I began to think, “How?” and “When?” for some of the promises He has made to me.  Nevertheless, I continue to trust Him to do ALL that He has promised. 

Once again, God is changing my understanding about my journey and His promises! The past year and a half has really been a season of change as it relates to my understanding of who He is in my life and the plans that He has for me.  I really know Him now in ways I thought I knew Him before.  For example, I knew before He was my Provider! But now I can say that I’ve truly experienced Him as my Provider and know without a doubt that He is my Provider.  My understanding of Matthew 6-“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness;; and all these things shall be added unto you.” and Philippians 4:13-“But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” has forever been changed.

Also, my understanding of obedience to God has changed.  I now have a different understanding of how  my obedience to God is required of me, even when I don’t understand or it doesn’t make sense to me.  Recently, I heard a message from my Pastor.  He said, “It doesn’t make sense to make faith.”  Lately, lots of things God requires of me doesn’t always seem to make sense, but I know it makes faith! By faith is truly how I’m living these days. And will continue for the rest of my life!

What’s next for me….

Upon graduating from seminary, I did not know exactly what was next for me. I didn’t know if I would remain in Phoenix, return to Louisiana, or go somewhere else.  When asked, I said I was waiting for God to reveal it to me.  I trusted that He would and knew when He did I would have to be obedient to whatever He said to do.  It wasn't until a few weeks after graduation that He let me know what was next.  Once again, I’m in awe of how He orchestrates my path.  At this time, God has me serving as a volunteer intern for a ministry based in Phoenix (Global Training Institute for Women).  The vision for GTIW is to “help Christian women leaders discover their purpose and impact their world”. Currently they have a team that travels to Turkey to train women from the Middle East (Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Egypt, and Sudan).  This fall, they will also be launching a U.S. Ministry team to do a similar training here in the U.S.  I’m so humbled to be a part of what God is doing in this ministry and looking forward to what He has next for me!  But for now, I'll be here in Phoenix! He has me on a “need to know basis”.  He only tells me what He needs me to know right now.  So I will continue to be obedient in what He tells me to do,seek Him for what He has next, and live BY FAITH. I am His!

No Place Like Home 2!

Recently, I was blessed to be able to go home to spend some time with my Louisiana family and friends! I repeat---THERE IS NO PLACE LIKE HOME! Here are a few pics from my visit! SHOUT OUT TO MY LOUISIANA FAMILY & FRIENDS: I LOVE YA'LL! Unfortunately, I wasn't able to see all of you, but the love is still there!
Love my Louisiana Love!

My daddy on the grill for the cook out!

My goddaughter, Delaney! God's child! & My earth angel in the background!

My nephews, Triston and Brycen

My Aunt Ollie (Took care of my diet while at home! LOL)

My younger sister and my mother
My "Ms. Anita"

My partners in Christ, Gary and Jackie

My childhood besties, Gwen and Madonna

Hanging out with the girls!

My sister in Christ, Latasha! 

My crazy nieces, Starr and Ressie

Me and my Mommy

My older sister, Tina

Me and My BeBe! Together again!

My Miami Heat Haters! Still love'em though! :-)