Remember: God ALWAYS keeps His PROMISES!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Forsaking All for Christ's name sake

Recently, when God told me to go home to see my mom, I wasn't sure how I would be able to.  But God knew and He provided a way for me to go.  I'm in awe of how He continues to show me that I can trust Him to provide ALL my needs! While I don't doubt Him, it's always amazing to me how He does it! I'm so thankful to Him and to those that He used in this situation! Although I thought I was going for my mom, I realize that it was for me too. Seeing the smile on my mom's face was all I needed to continue my journey.

It wasn't until I actually landed in Phoenix last Thursday (after my visit home to be with my mom who we just learned has tumors/cancer on her brain) that the thought of "forsaking all" really hit me.  The tears began to flow as I thought of having to leave behind my mom and family to continue my commitment to what God has called me to do.  Although I trust that God is in control of my mom's situation, it was hard for me to leave her and my family behind to deal with things without me being there. God reminded me of what Jesus said in Matthew 19:29, "And everyone that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children or lands, for my name's sake, shall receive an hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life."  While leaving behind my mom and family made this verse a reality to me, I am expecting "an hundredfold" in return in all things!  This morning I read in Jeremiah 33:6-"Behold, I will bring it health and healing; I will heal them and reveal to them the abundance of peace and truth." So this is the word I am standing on today! I'm believing God to bring health and healing to my mother's body and to reveal the abundance of peace and truth!

As I prepare to leave for Turkey on Thursday, I'm also reminded of what Jesus says in Luke 14:33, "So likewise, whosoever he be of you that forsaketh not all, that he hath, he cannot be my disciple." As I consider the cost of living a surrendered life to Christ, I'm humbled that God would choose me to be His disciple.  I AM HIS!

Me & My Mom (after I surprised her)


Niece and Nephews

Mom & Dad (before saying goodbye)

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Seasons change, but God's plans does not

Daniel 2:21 says "He changes times and seasons...".  While God causes seasons to change, He does not change. From the beginning, He knew the plans He had for me, and He continues to assure me that His plans have not changed! 

It has been said that this summer was the "hottest summer ever" in Phoenix! Praise God for the change of seasons! September 22nd was the official "first day of autumn", and it actually felt like it in Phoenix! A nice relief from the hot summer temperatures. This date also marked a significant change of season in my journey.
After 1 ½  years,Saturday, September 22nd, was the end of my season for working nights as a caregiver.  As I shared in an earlier post, God has allowed me to enter back into the teaching profession (part-time) serving as a substitute teacher and in-home tutor.  While I will miss serving the residents, I’m excited about being able to return to the classroom and serve students of various ages. I love my life of serving God and others!

This past weekend was my first weekend not having to work! I was so excited and had made plans for myself. And then, in His own way, God changed my plans and gave me His! WOW! As always, I’m amazed at His timing and His ways! On Saturday, instead of doing what I had planned to do, God had me doing the exact same thing He had me doing on September 28th six years ago! I remember this date because, it was a date that changed my life! A date that began a transition in my life that I didn’t really understand then, but God had a greater purpose for allowing it.  And on September 28, 2013, God reminded me of exactly why He allowed it! It was all a part of orchestrating my steps to my destiny. He had me doing the exact same thing on this date to again remind me that His plans for me have not changed! I am His forever!!!