Remember: God ALWAYS keeps His PROMISES!

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Seven Months

It's been a few months since my last post.  As most of you know, my time has been consumed with caring for my mom.  I am truly humbled that God trusted me with this assignment.  And although there was more to the assignment than I originally thought, I thank God for having the faith in me to do what He sent me home to do.  I must admit, it's been a challenge, but with God's strength and help, I will continue!

Update on my mom....
Tonight I sit in the hospital room with my mother.  As of today, she's been in the hospital for two weeks.  The first week and a half my mom was in ICU and was very sick. After having a colonoscopy, we were told by one doctor that it looked very bad and she possibly had tumors in her colon.  He told us we needed to call her clergy and make sure she had her last will and testament signed.  Of course, this report was very upsetting for my family. We were not sure exactly what was happening in my mom's body.  Although I trusted that God was in control, I wasn't sure what His plans were.  While I trust God as Healer, I also know that His ways and thoughts are not always ours. And I trust His will to be done in my mom's health situation.  Later, a second colonoscopy by her usual GI doctor, including a biopsy, confirmed that there are
NO tumors in her colon. Instead she had inflammation from an infection. While the infection is still serious, it is treatable.Today my mom is doing much better and looking forward to going home soon! Praise God!!! Thanks to those of you who were praying for my mom's health! I truly believe in the power of prayer and know God is able! She will continue to live and declare the works of the Lord! (Psalm 117:17)
Birthday with Mom!!! 

Update on me...
Today marks exactly 7 months since I returned to Louisiana (Nov. 22). Much has transpired over these seven months, and through it all God has remained faithful.  With seven being God's number of perfection. I'm excited about the works He is perfecting in me and looking forward to what's ahead! He never ceases to amaze me with His mighty acts! I'm so glad that I am His! This past week, I celebrated my 44th birthday (June 19th)! Another year of trusting and depending on God to keep His promises to me! And as always, He has! It's amazing how He loves me! Recently, I was given some shoes by a young lady who was moving out of state.  I met her while taking my mom to dialysis.  She shared with me how she just felt like she needed to step out by faith and move away from her hometown.  She had some really nice shoes that she wanted to give away because she couldn't take all of them with her.  The shoes not only were my size, but my style also! WOW God!!! So she blessed me with them (some of them almost brand new). Immediately, I realized God was using this lady to restore the many pairs of shoes I had given away before I moved to Phoenix! Isn't God awesome!!!! This is just one, of many examples, of the awesome things He continues to do to reward my diligence in seeking and obeying Him! As I conclude these seven months of my assignment here in Louisiana, God is also leading me into living authentically and embracing the "power of 40" (referring to those persons of  great faith that God used for great purposes...ex. Moses, Jesus, Noah). I don't know what it is, but He is definitely up to something! I am His!

Friday, February 14, 2014

The love of my life!

It's Valentine's Day in America! On this day many people are celebrating their love with the love of their life! Chocolate candy, roses, sweet cards, jewelry, etc. are being given to express love. But for me, I haven't received any of those things on today.  Instead, my day was spent with a very special person that I love dearly.  We spent the morning getting her PET/CT scans, had lunch with my sister, had a visit from her physical therapist, and now we are relaxing on the couch! Well, I'm relaxing, while she's sleeping! What a wonderful day! You may have figured it out by now, my special valentine this year is my MOM! So thankful that God sent me to be here with her! Thanks for your prayers! They are availing much!

And then there is the love of my life! No one else can love me like He does! No one else can move me love He does! His love is irreplaceable and I can't get enough of it! He is my God, my Lord, my Savior, my Provider, my Protector, my Everything! I'm in awe of the way He loves me and how He continues to show His love toward me. On this day sixteen years ago, I celebrated my new found intimate relationship and love for Christ! I had spent the previous six months in what I called my "reconstruction period".  During this time I was intentional in developing a more intimate relationship with Christ.  It was during this time that I really began to understand the love Him had for me.  It was during that time that I really fell in love with Him.  It was during that time that I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with Him! It was during that time that I declared that I would serve Him the rest of my life! And today, I'm glad I made that decision.  My life has not been the same since! Although I haven't always been obedient and faithful to Him, He has remained faithful to me over the years.  Even when I messed up or fell short, He still loved me and called me His! And for the rest of my life, I will declare that My beloved is mine and I AM HIS!!!! (Song of Solomon 2:16a)

This song says it all!!