Remember: God ALWAYS keeps His PROMISES!

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Eyes Wide Open! I am His!

As the 2012 comes to an end, I’m reflecting on my journey over this year.  It began with my move to Phoenix in January.  This was the beginning of me really living by faith!  God’s ways are so awesome!  I’m in awe of the amazing things God has done over the year to show me His purposes for bringing me here.  He has really shown me that He is my provider and that I can totally depend on Him! I know there is still more for me to see.  Recently, I received a message to “Keep my spiritual eyes open.”  And that’s exactly what I am doing.  I’m diligently seeking God and His plans for me!  As I approach the new year, I’m expecting God to fulfill more of His promises to me!  I’m reminded of the verse I Corinthians 2:9 that says, “But it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.”  I’m excited about what God has prepared for me! I know that it’s something greater!  I’m walking by faith, not by sight! (2 Corinthians 5:7).  I’m expecting faith promises and blessings in 2013!  My eyes are wide open! I AM HIS! Happy New Year! 

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Oh, How He Loves Me! I AM HIS!

Thanks, Aunt Gay, for the call reminding me today!  
I'm in awe of HOW HE LOVES ME!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

No Place Like Home!

Last week, I was able to go home (Slidell and Franklinton) to visit my family and friends for the first time since I moved to Phoenix ten months ago.  It was truly a blessing to be able to go and I enjoyed every second of it! Along with spending time with some of my family and friends, the next best thing was the good "home cooked" food!  I had everything I wished for and more (pot roast, red beans, pigs feet-corn-potatoes, greens and cornbread, gumbo, pound cake, chitterlings/aka chittlins, homemade breakfast, etc.)! I am truly thankful for my family and friends and all the love I received. Your love gives me strength to continue my journey! I am also thankful for the opportunity to have been able to go back home to visit. There is truly NO PLACE LIKE HOME! Even though I was there for a week, the time seemed to pass by so quickly! I miss my family and friends! I wished I could have stayed longer. However, I had to return to Phoenix for God to finish what He started! On today, I received a text with a message God gave someone to give me.  Once again God was reminding me that He has not forgotten His promises to me.  He then reminded me with a song that "It's Not Over (When God Is In It)".  I AM HIS!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Staying focused!

This time last year, I was just returning home after having to have an emergency surgery (Nov.9th) from an issue I had been dealing with for a while. I was scheduled to have surgery at a later date, but God intervened and it happened in His own timing and His own way! I was believing God for a supernatural healing and that's exactly what He did.  Reflecting over the past year, God's timing and ways have continuously amazed me.  I'm in constant awe!  Even when we don't see, God sees what He promised us! (Thanks to Pastor Mason for reminding us of that tonight!) I just have to keep my focus on His promises! I am His!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

My Tribute to Paula

I met Paula this summer after she came to live with my landlord.  The first time I met her she was watching cartoons.  Sponge Bob was one of her favorites! Although I've only known her for a short period of time, I know our paths crossing was God's will..  She and my landlord have known each other over twenty years.  They use to work together in a hospital here in Phoenix. From what Paula's mom told me, Paula use to be a fun and carefree person.  She was spontaneous and did a lot of traveling. From my conversations with Paula, I learned that she was a very independent person who loved the outdoors.  We talked about me taking her to the botanical gardens in the fall when it got cooler.  Now Paula had become a dependent person who stayed indoors.  The reason being is that she had brain cancer.  She was diagnosed with it a little over a year ago after experiencing a pain in her leg. She now needed help with daily living activities like going to the bathroom, taking a shower, getting dressed, eating, etc.  She expressed to me how hard it was for her to let people do these things for her because of her independent personality.  I could definitely relate to this.  I too find it hard to be dependent on others, even when I really need help!

The first time I went over to help Paula take a shower, she began to cry and asked me "How do you know when it's time?"  She was referring to death.  I told her none of us know when that time is going to come.  We just know that each of us have a time to go.  I told her the important thing is to know where we are going when that time comes.  She expressed that she wasn't sure, but she hoped that she would go to heaven.  I asked if she wanted to be sure of where she was going and she replied "Yes".  I then led her in prayer of confessing Jesus as her Savior! I believe this was part of God's purpose of our paths crossing. To God be the Glory!

Paula died today (Sept. 1).  As I watched her decline quickly the past couple of weeks, I was reminded of a few things.  One is that God places people in our lives to be a blessing to us.  Although Paula may have thought me helping her was a blessing, she also was a blessing in my life.  It was a blessing for me to be able to serve her with the love of Christ!  I know God had me here to help my landlord with Paula for His glory!  Also, I was reminded that it's okay to let people help you.  At some point in our lives, we all need help.  It doesn't take away from your independence to accept it! Thank you Lord! Lesson learned!

Paula would have been 44 years old on next Friday (September 7th).  We were going to be celebrating her birthday with cake and ice cream.  Now we will be remembering her at a memorial service.  Although my memories of Paula are few, they will be with me for the rest of my life.  One of my memories will be: Paula liked the way I did the tango (that's what she called it when I got her up and we stepped left-right-left-right to get her on her bedside toilet)!  And when I get to heaven, we will tango again (under different circumstances) :-)!

We've all heard the cliche' that "Tomorrow is not promised to anyone."  This became even more of a reality to me today.  On yesterday evening my landlord came to get my car keys to move my car.  I was asleep because I had to go to work last night.  She was sharing with me about Paula's day with the CNA (who hospice had began sending the past week).  I told her that I was going to come over to see Paula "tomorrow" (which would have been today).  I was planning on praying with her and reading Psalm 23 to her. I knew her time was getting close to the end. However, when I got in from work this morning, I got the news that Paula had passed. Of course, I am sad, but I am also regretful that I didn't  go see her yesterday.  I now realize even more how true that cliche' is, along with: "Don't put off for tomorrow, what you can do today"!  Remember, "To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die;"-(Ecclesiastes 3: 1-2a).  Rest in peace, Paula! See you when I get there! I AM HIS!

Here's Paula and I just one week ago! 

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Living by Faith !

Phoenix life
It’s hard to believe that over half the year has passed.  Life in Phoenix is going well. I'm living a life of simplicity and loving it! I’m surviving my first summer of Phoenix heat.  We’ve been in the triple digits since the end of May, with only a few days in the 90s.  While we don’t have to worry about hurricanes here, we do have Monsoon seasons.  This season brings rainstorms and dust storms across the desert.  I’m definitely enjoying seeing the rain these days!  I’m currently finishing up the last of my summer studies and getting ready to start the fall semester.  I’m looking forward to cooler daysJ!

Faith life
By faith is definitely how I’m living these days!  God has constantly reminded me that He is my source.  Since mid-June, I’ve been working on Friday and Saturday nights only.  At first I wondered how I was going to survive on just two days of working.  I started trying to figure it out.  Then God clearly spoke to me and reminded me again that my job was not my source and that it was just an area where I get seed to sow! That was such a revelation for me!  From that moment, my faith in God went to a greater level.  Just as He promises, He has provided ALL of my needs.  I'm in awe of how He's doing it! While my usual lifestyle may have been altered due to my decrease in salary, my faith life is getting stronger everyday!  God has assured me that if I take care of His business, He will take care of mine!  I am confident in what God has told me and will continue to trust Him!

Why the desert?
As you know, my primary reason for coming to Phoenix was because God sent me here to study at Phoenix Seminary.  My move to Phoenix was definitely a step of faith.  But as you know, God always has a greater plan that He doesn’t always reveal to us at first.  Little by little, He is revealing to me the plans He has for me!  Along with school, He has me here to serve Him at my church and on my job.  He also has me here so that I can hear Him more clearly.  WOW is He speaking to me! And I am listening! He recently reminded me why He led the Israelites into the desert.  Deuteronomy 8:2 says “Remember how the Lord your God led you all the way in the desert these forty years, to humble you and to test you in order to know what was in your heart, whether or not you would keep His commands.”  What a Rhema Word! I will keep His commands and trust Him to keep His promises to me! I know He has great plans for my life!

I’m living by faith and not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7)! I AM HIS!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

My Life is not my own!

I celebrated another year of life on Tuesday (June 19th)!  This year was quite different.  I wasn't able to spend it with friends and family like in the past.  No one in Phoenix even knew it was my birthday (except for the seminary staff who sent me a card), and I didn't feel the need to remind or let anyone know.  It wasn't about me this year! I know my life is not my own! I went to the mall for the first time since being in Phoenix.  But I wasn't there to shop.  God had me there for His purpose and a divine appointment. To God be the glory! I know it was for Him, because I wasn't even tempted to buy anything, including things on the clearance racks! LOL! Hallelujah!  I did what God sent me there to do! Afterwards I had a staff meeting at work, I had my babyback ribs at Chili's, & went to bible study!  My life is SIMPLY good! It was definitely my best birthday ever!  I AM HIS!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Embracing life's realities!

Recently, I've been faced with the challenge of embracing my life's realities.  While there are some experiences in my life's journey that I would choose not to experience, I know that I must embrace them in order to grow and move forward on this journey.  I'm beginning to understand how accepting the truths of my life is what makes me free! Sometimes I try to escape these truths with my spiritual ambitions.  However, I'm learning that in order to make my life fully real and truly mine I need to embrace these truths.  It's the truth that sets us free! I vow to begin embracing these truths!

Most recently, I've been challenged with embracing the truths and reality of my life in Phoenix. I know it's part of God's plan for me, but I must admit that it is a great challenge. While I choose not to share all my challenges in my blogs, they are there and they are REAL!  But I know they are just a temporary part of this journey. I recently read, "In order to fully find my life, I must first lose it."-Matthew 16:24-25. I AM HIS!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Missing Home!

While I am excited about God's plans for me, I must be honest and admit that I do miss home!  At times I am overwhelmed with my emotions and I realize that I have to be honest with myself.  I often talk about my spiritual journey here in Phoenix, but I am also on a journey to becoming fully human.  This journey causes me to realize that I can't escape from my human feelings.  Recently, God reminded me of this and I had to really repent from trying to.  I am human and I know I can't deny that if I want to be true to God, myself, and others.

Last week, my bff from childhood loss her father.  Of course, I wish I could have been there with her and the rest of the family.  Her family is just like family to me and I love them very much.  This week (following her dad's funeral service on Saturday) her mom's sister passed away.  Her mother is very dear to me (like a mother) and my heart is so full for her.  I know she's a God fearing woman, but I also know this is a very hard time for her.  Once again, I'm sad that I am unable to be there with the family.  And while they are extended family, it really makes me miss home!

I miss all my biological and non-biological family! I miss my nephew, Triston.  He was almost two years old when I moved back home in 2000.  Now he's about to go to high school!  I can hardly believe it.  I've watched him grow over the years! I miss his hugs and kisses!  He ran track for the first time this spring and I wasn't there to see him!  He recently received an award for being an academic scholar this school year! I am so proud of him!  I miss my two year old niece, Starr, who learned to say my name after I moved to Phoenix, and is talking more and more each day.  I miss all my girlfriends who I used to meet for dinner and just have girl talk (you know who you are)!   I miss my dog, BeBe!:-)  She has a new family now that loves her and is taking good care of her!  She is the sweetest dog ever!  I miss my Brock family and students! I miss my brothers and sisters in Christ back home!  I miss my hairstylist and our talks at the shampoo bowl or in her chair! I miss my ELAKO (East Louisiana Kairos Outside) family!  I miss my Prison Fellowship family at RCC (Rayburn Correctional Center)!  I miss all my friends who were a part of my life back in Louisiana (you know who you are)! There is no place like home!

Although this journey gets hard sometimes, God continues to remind me that my sufferings are only temporary and that my latter will be greater!  I know He will never leave me nor forsake me.  I appreciate all of you for your prayers and support!  Please continue to pray my strength through this journey! I AM HIS!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

I'm in Love!!!

Yes, I’ve fallen in love, AGAIN and I want the world to know!!  It’s real, unconditional, true love! I’ve known Him for a while now.  He’s someone I can lean and depend on for anything! He’s my everything! I can’t imagine living life without Him!  I’m sure you know who He is! His name is JESUS!  I first fell in love with him back in 1997 during what I called my six month “reconstruction period”.  It was a time when I deliberately spent six months seeking Him for a more intimate relationship.  During that six months, I experienced the love of Christ like never before.  I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with Him, and only wanted what He had for me!  I’m back in that place again!!!!! He is my everything and I know I can’t make it without Him!  I want only and all that He has for me and has promised me!  I love my life in Christ right now! It’s a life of simplicity and obedience.  I may not have everything that I think I want, but I do have everything that He knows I need!

I love serving as a Caregiver!  I know that I’m doing what God desires of me at this time.  He constantly let’s me know this through the people that I’m serving.  On my second night of my new job, I went in to get one of my residents up to go to the restroom.  Usually, she’s a little resistant to the other caregivers, but she was very cooperative with me.  After using the restroom, I helped her back to bed.  As I was leaving out of the room, I heard her say, “Thank you God for sending her.  She is so nice.”  Of course, my eyes filled up with tears and I just gave God the glory!

I also love serving at my church (El Elyon International)!  I finally completed my new member’s class on today!  I have already begun serving on the Evangelism Team.  We recently went out for soul winning at an event here in Phoenix.  While out witnessing, God allowed me to first witness and pray for a young man named “Christian”.  While I know there are many  persons named Christian out there, I know this was a divine assignment.  Again, God confirmed to me that I was doing what He sent me there to do: to help win souls for the Kingdom!! I know I must obey God and do the work that He has assigned me.

I love studying at Phoenix Seminary!  This pass week was finals week and I’m off until summer begins on May 21st!  TGBTG!!!!.  I am enjoying my studies and am looking forward to what’s to come.  While I don’t know exactly what God’s expected end is for me, I know that this is all part of His preparation.  I just want to be ready to do whatever He has predestined for me to do. 

Tonight during service, Pastor Mason reminded me that “My obedience is not optional”.  It is because of obedience that I am here in Phoenix, serving as a caregiver, serving at El Elyon International Church, and studying at Phoenix Seminary! In obedience, God sent me all the way to Phoenix, Arizona to fall in love with Him again! I love my life! I AM HIS!  

Friday, April 20, 2012

God opens doors!

Earlier this week, I received an email from my baby sister (thanks sis!) titled “One Door Closes, Another Opens”.  It was speaking of Revelation 3:8 where Jesus says, “I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name.”  You may have seen this in a spam email or text message before.  I may have to, but upon receiving it this particular day, this Word really became life to me!

On a previous blog, I shared that I had become a Caregiver and was offered positions by two agencies for “on-call” assignments.  I thankfully accepted those positions and assignments, and trusted God would provide me with a permanent position  that would give me the days and hours that I wanted to work (to accommodate my school and study time).  Over the past two months, I’ve been faithful with the “on-call” assignments I’ve been given.  All the while expecting God to give me a permanent position.  I had spoken to the supervisors at the facility where I had been working “on call” about possibly becoming permanent.  Due to their set schedule rotation, they were not able or willing to accommodate my availability.  I wasn’t discouraged, because I trusted and knew God was going to provide me a position that would accommodate my availability. I’m sure you know where this is going….. Yes, God did just what I expected Him to do!!!! This week, I learned that the facility where I had been working “on-call” (the most) had filled the position.  This means they would not be needing me as much as they have been the past couple of months.  BUT GOD!!!! Yes, MY GOD opened another door for me!! This week I also had an interview for a position at another facility that is opening a memory care unit. FYI:  I was working in the memory care unit at the other facility….talking about God opening doors!!!!.  He knew the plans He had for me all along!!! (Jeremiah 29:11)  The morning after my interview (the same day I received the email about Revelations 3:8), I received a call following my interview to tell me they wanted to offer me a position! I now know God was preparing me in the “on-call” position for this new position!!!  He knew that He had something greater in store for me!!! Not only are they willing and able to accommodate my schedule, God also gave me a pay raise!  A whole $1.32 more per hour!! LOL!! PRAISE GOD!!!! I thank God for increase!!! God’s ways and timing are so amazing and perfect! I’m in AWE once again!  HALLELUJAH!!!! I know God is my Provider and He alone  provides ALL my needs! GOD OPENS DOORS NO MAN CAN SHUT!!!! I AM HIS!!!!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Having Faith in God!

My FAITH is in GOD!

In my last blog entry, I shared that God had provided employment for me as a Certified Caregiver.  I also shared that this was an opportunity for me to serve God through serving others.  I am truly humbled at this opportunity!  Recently, God has shown me that  HAVING FAITH IN HIM IS ALL I NEED!

On last Saturday (March 17th), I received my first paycheck as a caregiver.   Of course it was much smaller than my paychecks as a teacher, but I was thankful to God for provision.  Hallelujah! Even though it was a small amount, I figured I could use it to pay for something. On Sunday (March 18th), I went to church and as always, I expected to receive a direct word from God! Of course, God did exactly what I expected. Pastor Mason began to teach one message but, in obedience to the Holy Spirit, was led to teach on “Having Faith in God” (Mark 11:22).  It was a powerful word from God! He shared about how our power is in our words! At the end of his message, he told us to begin to speak what we have faith in God to do for us.

At offering time, when I pulled out my checkbook to write out the check for my tithes from my paycheck, God spoke clearly to me.  He told me that He didn’t want me to just tithe on this check, but He wanted me to have faith in Him and give Him the whole check as a first fruit offering! In obedience and by faith, I wrote out the check for the amount of my paycheck (I couldn’t remember the exact cents amount so, I rounded up to the nearest dollar amount) and I gave my offering cheerfully to the Lord!  After service I did as Pastor Mason told us to do and began to speak what I have faith in God to do for me.  I shared with one person that I expected God to bless the seed I had sown during the offering time.  I didn’t tell her what God had me to do; just what I expected God to do.

The next morning, I received a text message from someone (they know who they are) asking me if I could cash a check.  I told them “yes”, and they asked for my address.  I didn’t ask them any questions. I just texted them my address.  I knew God was up to something!  I knew He was going to honor my obedience in giving Him that  first paycheck in Faith!  Well, the following Wednesday, after returning home from my evening classes, I had an envelope on my door.  Inside was the check from the person who had texted me earlier in the week.  The check was almost double the amount of my paycheck that I had given for my tithe/offering to God!  HALLELUJAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOD IS MY PROVIDER!!!!!!!!!!!  My faith is not in my job to provide my needs, my faith is in God to provide ALL my needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:19)!!!!!!!  I MUST HAVE FAITH IN GOD! I AM HIS!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

My Provider has provided!

Jehovah Jireh, my Provider, has provided me with employment! I knew He would! All I had to do was seek Him! (Matthew 6:32-But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.)

When I relocated to Phoenix in January, I expected God to provide me with employment for living expenses that would work around my school schedule and not take away from my studies.  I began seeking a job as a caregiver and  I found out that in order to apply for a caregiver job,  I  needed to become a “certified” Caregiver. After some searching, I found information for a Caregiver course that was suitable for my school schedule. I initially thought it would be “just a job”. However, God’s thoughts are not my thoughts!  While taking the course, God began to show me some things. He revealed to me that me becoming a caregiver is not going to be “just a job”. He showed me that being a caregiver is really a “commitment and call” and this would be another opportunity for me to serve Him by serving and sharing the love of Christ with others (in this case, the elderly)! Once again, God’s way of doing things just blows my mind!

I completed the course for my Caregivers certification on Wednesday, February 22nd.  By the next Wednesday, I already had interviews with three different home-care agencies and was offered a caregiver position by all of them! God is soooo AWESOME!! (Philippians 4:19-But my God shall supply all MY need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus!) I accepted a position with two of them, in the hopes of getting steady hours at one or the other.  At this time, I’m “on-call” for assignments. That means they will call me whenever there is a need for a caregiver at my available times. Whether it’s one of these agencies or somewhere else, I know God will provide me a position with the exact days and hours that I want to work.  I know my prayer warriors will be in agreement with me! I just have to be faithful with the positions I’ve been given at this time. I’ve already received my first assignment! I’m always excited about the opportunity to serve God through serving others! I am His!

Below are pictures of my Caregiver Certifications!


Monday, February 20, 2012

One Month Anniversary!

February 15, 2012 marks my first month in Phoenix!  I’m constantly in awe of God and His orchestration of my life.  I’m excited about what I am learning at school and the people that God has and are continuing to put in my path! I know He has a great purpose and plan for me and I will continue to seek Him with my whole heart! I am His!

Barbara and Me! Barbara is the woman God chose to open up her 
heart and home to me upon my relocation to Phoenix! 

Me with some of my fellow classmates/friends from school
(Sara & Tandie) attending Chapel Night!

Striving to be my best for Him!

February 14, 2012-A day I look forward to celebrating each year.  Not necessarily because it’s Valentine’s Day (since I don’t have a ValentineJ LOL!) But on this day I celebrate my love for God and His love for me! Today I celebrated at one of my favorite places to eat…Chilis! It was my first time eating at a Chili’s in Phoenix! I was too excited about getting some “baby-back ribs”!  I also had the chocolate molten cake with ice cream on top! Ummm!!! Then, after a serious battle between my flesh and spirit on whether or not I was going to bible study, I surrendered to my spirit! God had a word for me that the enemy did not want me to receive! Pastor Mason’s (my new Pastor at my new church home-El Elyon International Church-Phoenix) message was “Decide to be your best!” What a powerful word and message! He talked about being your best at being used by God for the Kingdom! I know I am where God needs me to be and on this day, I have decided to be my best! I am willing to do what would make me my best! I will “sacrifice my life that God may reroute a generation back to Him.” I want the life that is hidden for me with Christ in God!  I want to be my best for Him! I am His!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Starting Seminary

This past week (January 23-27, 2012) was my first week of classes at Phoenix Seminary! I was like a child on the first day of school! I woke up about two hours before my alarm went off! My bookpack was packed and ready with my textbooks and my bibleJ! I also took my laptop with me since technology is how school is done these days. I was excited about meeting my teachers, classmates, and getting started with my studies!

It was an exciting and interesting first week.  After receiving the syllabus for each class and attending each class for the first time, reality set it.  Studying God’s Word is not to be taken lightly. It’s definitely going to be a lot of work, but I’m ready for it. I'm hungry! :-)  I can see now why God sent me away from the familiar and distractions.  I need to be focused!  I’m thankful for the opportunity to study His word in depth in order to be equipped for the plans He has for me!

I’ve mapped out my weekly reading and study plan so that I can stay on top of things.  The next year and a half will be intense, but it’s all to the glory of God! Please keep me in your prayers. And if I don’t respond to emails or text messages right away, please be patient with me! I am His!

Here's me on my first day at Phoenix Seminary!

Life in the Valley

My life “in the valley” is giving me a new perspective on some things. “The Valley” is what the Phoenix metro area is called.  Of course, “the valley” is a place between the mountains. I guess this means that I’m between mountainsJ! Literally and spiritually!

Life in the valley is quite different for me. There are some things I was use to doing or having that I now am getting use to doing without. First, the studio where I now live comes with a kitchenette, but no stove.  For those of you who know me really well, this may not seem like a big deal (since when I did have one it was hardly used anywayJ!) But now that I don’t have one, it’s almost like “you don’t miss something until it’s gone”! Although I had no plans to change my cooking habits when I came to Phoenix, I now have to make some adjustments to not having a stove.  I guess I will have to depend on a George Foreman and toaster oven when I get in one of my cooking moods! I wonder if I can bake chocolate chip cookies in the toaster oven??? LOL!

 I’m also without a washer and dryer. Something that I’ve been without before, but after being a homeowner for the past 11 years, I was use to having these at home to use at my leisure.  Now, it’s back to the laundry-mat. On my way there for the first time, I stopped at Walgreens to get some detergent.  Instead of my usual detergent, I purchased a cheaper one (taking into consideration that I had to have change for the washers and dryers). Just another minor adjustment I’ve had to make.

Another amenity I had gotten use to over the years was having my car washed at a “car wash” by someone else.  I know this is something that most people may do themselves anyway, but I had gotten use to having it done for me. Well, it’s something I plan to start doing more often now.  For the first time in years, I proudly pulled into a self car-wash and washed my car myself!  It’s cheaper and it still looked nice! I actually enjoyed doing it!

With  these adjustments, there is one thing I hoped the Lord would provide for me here in Phoenix and He did! A hairstylistJ! Thank God! I mentioned in an earlier post that I was going to a new stylist for the first time (after having to say goodbye to my stylist Romona @ Blessed Hands in SlidellJ) and hoped I would like the service. I did! It was what I hoped it would be and I’m thankful that God allowed me to keep this perk “in the valley”!

This picture is taken of a mountain seen at the end of the driveway where I live. Marvin Sapp, a gospel artist, has a  song that says “Even though I’m in the valley, victory comes through my adversity!”  I am His!

Friday, January 20, 2012

My Steps are Ordered

So, my first week in Phoenix has been filled with awe of how God orders my steps in every aspect of my life to go exactly where He wants me to be!

First, I visited the seminary on Monday (Jan. 16th). I was greeted at the front entrance by a GECKO! Ugghh!!! For those of you who know I am deathly afraid of lizards and geckos! I guess God really has a sense of humor! I met some of the people that I had communicated with via phone and email. It was great to put the faces with the voices.  I had a good visit and am looking forward to starting class next Monday!

Next, I went to bible study on Tuesday at the church God told me I would worship and serve Him when I relocated to Phoenix (El Elyon International Church).  It’s a small multicultural congregation.  The bible study lesson was about “love” from I Corinthians 13.  The message was a direct word to me from God! It was confirmation that this was where I was supposed to be! Praise God!!

On Wednesday I finally got to sit and talk with my new landlord (Barbara). What I thought was going to be my “temporary” residence turns out will be my permanent residence for now. Thank God for giving Barbara  the desire to build a guest room for those doing “Kingdom work”.  She told me that I could stay as long as I needed to! It’s a small space (like a mini-studio), but just enough room for me (and my clothes and shoes J) & an a VERY GOOD price! Praise God! I understand that I am here on assignment by God, so any sacrifice I have to make is for His glory! I know He will provide everything that I need! I know that this is the place that God intended for me to be at this time and I’m thankful!

Today is Friday and I’m going to my new hairstylist that I was recommended to by a young lady at church. It sounds like this might be my God sent hairstylist also! The name of her salon is “Anointed Hands! (My last hairstylist, Romona May, at Blessed Hands in Slidell, LA, was also God sent!) I will have to let you know how it goes!

I’m still looking for part-time employment.  I know God is going to provide that as well. Please keep me in your prayers! Love ya!

My Journey to Phoenix-(My Promise Land)

Saturday, January 14, 2012 was the beginning of my journey to my “promise land”.  Thank God for my nephew, Xavier, who helped get me here. It was quite an interesting drive. 

Day One’s Adventure: We were about 30 miles from crossing into Beaumont, Texas when my nephew realized that I hadn’t gotten an inspection sticker for my new car! I had just gotten my license plate in a few days before, and totally forgot about going to get my inspection sticker.  We were in the middle of nowhere and I needed that sticker before leaving the state of Louisiana! Thank God for my nephew’s “smart” phone and the GPS, we were able to locate a place that was still open (at least they waited for us to get there!). Needless to say, God was definitely guiding us!

It took us all day on Saturday to drive across Texas.  At about 11:00 p.m. we checked into a hotel in Ozona, Texas.  This was our half-way point.  It was a long day, but our trip was only halfway over.  We still had another long day of driving ahead, so we showered and got some rest.

Day Two’s Adventure: After a good night’s rest, we got up, got dressed, and had breakfast at the hotel.  They had bacon!!! I was so glad to smell bacon when I got off the elevator! I thought it would just be a continental breakfast, but it was a full breakfast: eggs, bacon, biscuits with gravy, toast, fruit, muffins, yogurt, cereal, etc.! We got full and then it was time to hit the road.

I remember thinking the night before that we needed to get gas before getting on the road Sunday morning.  Well,…..let’s just say, I was a little too excited about breakfast and forgot about getting gas! LOL!  So after driving about 45 minutes to an hour, my nephew (thank God) looked over and realized the needle was almost on “E”! My car said “15 miles to empty”! Again, we were in the middle of what seemed to be nowhere!  There was just flat uninhabited land and nothing in sight for miles and miles! I was like “OMG!”  Once again, my nephew used the GPS and his “smart” phone to find how far the next exit and nearest town was.  It was “13 miles” away! I was praying that they had a gas station there.  After driving for what seemed like an eternity, we got to a small town named “Iraan”.  Thank God they had a gas station!!!! Once again, my nephew saved the day! God knew I needed help on this journey! Thank God he sent Xavier!!

We finally made it into Phoenix about 8p.m. on Sunday night, January 15, 2012! My text message sent to family and friends read: “Just crossed over into my promise land-Phoenix! It took me 41 yrs. (one more than Israel’s 40:-) but I’m here now! In His timing! Expecting His promises 4 me!

Entering Phoenix!

My nephew, Xavier, and I 
(at the Phoenix airport before he boarded the plane back to Louisiana)!
So thankful God sent him to help me make my journey to Phoenix!